Is our Sun falling silent?
On Saturday, 18 January 2014 14:31:11 UTC, Graham P Davis wrote:
On Sat, 18 Jan 2014 05:28:35 -0800 (PST)
Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Saturday, 18 January 2014 12:41:56 UTC, Graham P Davis wrote:
On Sat, 18 Jan 2014 03:15:31 -0800 (PST)
"You say the predictions of a Little Ice Age were front-page news but
weren't big news. Huh? "
Climate science and scientists back then just very a very narrow subject with a handful of climate scientists.
There was no internet and if there was, it would have reached the attention of far more people especially the 'doomsayers' and lets face it the seventies was full of doomsayers. However another very key important point is this: Global cooling that is out of the hands of human cause and therefore totally natural is a completely different proposition to AGW which is has wholly been blamed on the human C02 released by the use of fossil fuels.
In fact if the earth cycles, generally seen to be the cause of a genuinely held concern that the earth may have been on the brink of a cooling planet then any greenhouse gas like C02 would have been welcomed to try and slow the impending disaster. As I've said those extracting fossil fuel would have been seen as heroes.
So not a lot of political capital there for those that hated the whole western way of life industrialisation process. AGW however was a totally different kettle of fish where there was clearly global warming that followed the post WWII cooling and although all of that warming could have been natural(as before) those with a beef against capitalism now found a perfect weapon with which to vent their spleen against everything they despised.
Now there is the science that yes C02 is a green house gas and there are the well observed global temperatures that have risen but the left who decided to use this issue have fully supported the case that only the human increase in the nominal many parts per million of Co2 are wholly responsible for all of the warming observed. What I'm saying is that because of the internet and the championing of the AGW scenario for the use of politics has made the AGW scare far more global and seen to be important far more then the seventies global warming scare.
So yes the ice age scare was big news but never had the same effect on tens of millions of human minds in the same way as AGW.