Keith (Southend)G wrote:
On Saturday, 18 January 2014 13:03:49 UTC, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
I just sit on the fence Lawrence, as I haven't got a clue what's going on or what's causing it, but find it laughable that some do...
Keith (Southend)
"Weather Home & Abroad"
twitter: @LawnscienceEssx
Despite the fact that the atmosphere is currently warmer it doesn't
preclude that other factors may come into play at some point causing a
reversal or a mini-ice age. It is just at the moment there is evidence
of one and not of the other. Tomorrow may be different but with proper
science you have to use the current evidence - not the future
speculation of possible evidence. I hope the deniers turn out to be
"right" because it will be much better for us all (provided it is a new
stable scenario and not something worse)but unfortunately there is
little current evidence to suggest they will be. I use "right" in
inverted commas because I stll find the most frustrating thing all round
is that the proper(and I use that word knowing that on both sides they
are not all of the same calibre) Scientists will not have any qualms or
concerns whatsoever if new evidence appears that shows global cooling
and they won't and shouldn't feel any sense of being "wrong" before
because that isn't what the evidence was then. It's how it has always
been but the majority just can't seem to grasp that.