Michael Fish thinks 'weather prophets' who predicted severewinter should give refunds
On Saturday, 18 January 2014 16:41:47 UTC, General wrote:
"Malcolm" wrote in message ...
Lawrence Jenkins writes
As your sock puppet master would say.. "idiot".
More crap from the crapmeister.
I don't have a "sock puppet master".
The underlying problem is that he (Lawrence Jenkins) clearly doesn't have a
clue as to the meaning of the term, which he obviously picked up at the
Humpty Dumpty School of Etymology. It's rather like a toddler picking up on
a dirty word for the first time and can't then resist blurting it out at
every opportunity, oblivious to its irrelevance.
I agree - Col is being much too kind, but kindness is a rare commodity in
these parts and perhaps to be encouraged.
Hey you can call me Larry, what's your name big boy?