That sinking feeling
On Monday, February 3, 2014 9:12:57 PM UTC, Malcolm wrote:
In article ,
Weatherlawyer writes
On Monday, 3 February 2014 09:07:22 UTC, a sock in sheep's clothing wrote:
Fairly common in any severe volcanic spell.
Usually in such spells there is also a plethora of flood stories.
The rest, as they say, is natural history.
They may or may not occur where there are volcanoes, but that is surely
irrelevant in 21st century High Wycombe!
(Averse as I am to responding to Dawlish, it is a fair enough question.
If only he'd learn to ask properly.)
The relevance is real enough, you clod. You may believe in coriolis
effect but it doesn't believe in you.
A volcano spell is one where the gyres of the planet run to ground. I
will let you think about that and where it would take you if you had
enough brain cells to think about anything. Prove you are not Dawlish
and come up with the answer and not a gay fade away, you posturing nance..
It seems to be a rule of the internet that if someone cannot answer a
question, cannot justify a claim, or is suffering from an inadequacy
complex, then they invariably resort to completely uncalled for childish
name-calling and ad hominem.
I leave you to decide which failing you are suffering from that has
stopped you responding politely to me.
The poster is a nutcase who actually believes larry when larry says you are me (and that I am apparently several others). Larry, on the other hand, appears to have given up with that idea. I just ignore this one, these days, as he has clear mental health problems, but he appears utterly obsessed with me, mentioning me in post after post that have nothing to do with me. It's weird.