Dawlish sea wall = Not AGW
On Sunday, February 9, 2014 3:38:57 PM UTC, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Sunday, 9 February 2014 08:46:13 UTC, Dawlish wrote:
On Sunday, February 9, 2014 8:21:33 AM UTC, Malcolm wrote:
In article ,
Lawrence Jenkins writes
On Sunday, 9 February 2014 01:14:47 UTC, Adam Lea wrote:
Someone talking ******** on Usenet, what a surprise - NOT.
Adam we are entering a massive cooling phase-come to terms with it.
Lawrence, that is as much nonsense as the article Joe posted here. It's
time you came to terms with the fact that we are NOT "entering a massive
cooling phase". If so, why was 2013 the 6th warmest year since records
began in 1880?
And why the last decade was easily the warmest on record and why the two warmest years on record both fell into that decade and why current global temperatures are close to record values, despite ENSO neutral conditions and the PDO being negative and.........etc. etc. etc.
However, a climate denier like larry is capable of convincing himself of anything. "A massive colloid period" is coming. On current evidence, that's just laughable - but then again, so are larry's views on climate change.
Warmest in our records . We do know this however
In such a tiny space of time the last 2000 years saw without any argument a very warm periods where grapes were grown , Greenland was farmed and then the LIA . We know temperatures fluctuated by a couple of degrees without any influence from human co2. We also know from the ice core samples that this current inter glacial is not only one of the coolest but well overdue to end.
We also know that the global human condition up until about 200 years ago was wretched with low life expectancy and abject misery for most thirty odd years that we lived. I look at the past misery before harnessing fossil fuels on a vast scale, I look at the ice core temperature cores for the last 600 thousand years and I say hallelujah. Without energy harnessed from fossil fuels live would hardly be worth living.
The ridiculous; "tiny space of time" denier crock. Just hilarious.
Why does every single National science academy on earth feel that the present period shows anomalous warming and that the warming has very little to do with the last 2000 years.
They're all stupid, I suppose and they don't know anything..........but you and yours know ever so much more; don't you? Read the avalanche of science and it will explain this to you. Ignore the avalanche of science and focus on any tiny little part which might appear to back the denier cause, without any real scrutiny, like the OP and you can convince yourself of anything - as I've said.