Scott W wrote:
In danger of flood overload but I thought some of you may be interested in my latest blog on the flood of January 1809. Rather than bashing the Environment Agency I think it is important that people realise just how much their forerunners have done in preventing what was a common problem for many communities across the UK in years gone by.
Very interesting piece again Scott. I was at Fishers Green (just north
of Waltham Abbey) a couple of weeks ago and the River Lea was a raging
torrent then. The Roding seems to have a useful flood plain still which
can be seen from the M25, north of Redbridge, which must help. Imagine
if that have been built on! I agree that bashing the EA is not a helpful
exercise. Considering it would appear to be the highest winter rainfall
for 250 years and the Government strictly controlling its expenditure,
it seems harsh to blame them, especially knowing all the (mostly) good
work they do.