Dawlish sea wall = Not AGW
On Tuesday, 11 February 2014 23:52:59 UTC, Adam Lea wrote:
On 11/02/2014 22:47, Alastair McDonald wrote:
"Martin Brown" wrote in message
Still with the Tory heartlands now flooding they will have to pay some
attention to mitigating climate change instead of pretending that it isn't
happening. "Vote blue get green" slogan is looking very dodgy now.
They won't agree to mitigation because that will mean getting rid of their
Chelsea tractors, and losing their rural views. Just think of all those wind
farms! Instead they will call for adaption, and cricise the government for
not spending our taxes on their flood defences.
Cheers, Alastair.
Does anyone know if anything got done regarding flood mitigation
measures after the summer 2007 floods?
If not, is there any reason to suspect that anything will get done this
I can't help thinking that when this is over people will forget about it
and carry on as normal or will brush it off as an extreme event that
won't happen again in their lifetimes, so why bother worrying about it.
I think it's so far something like 5000 properties affected to some extent in the levels not nice but hardly a tragedy.