Dawlish sea wall = Not AGW
On 12/02/2014 09:28, matt_sykes wrote:
That famous '97% of all scientists' study only questioned 10000, and of those
only 40% agreed to the two questions, which themselves only asked if mans role
was 'significant' and not 'dominant'. Significant at a statistical level means
measurable, or relevant, so could be 5% say.
They took this 10000 and whittled it down to 79 to get their 97%. So thats it.
76 scientists, 2 of whoom thought it hadnt warmed since 1900, the other of the
two questions.
Garvey is a childish fool. Hundreds of thousands indeed, its utter garbage..
You might think that, I couldn't possibly comment :-)
Brian W Lawrence