On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 16:15:24 -0000, "Alex Stephens Jr"
Currently experiencing a heavy snow shower here.
Visibility dropping below 200 meters and the snow begining to accumulate on
the ground - including roads.
Night has arrived very quickly here, even though sunset isn't for a few
minutes yet.
Could be a troublesome rush hour.
SImilar to here in Edinburgh. I had the joys of cycling home in a
horizontal blizzard just after you posted. Watching the sky clear
ahead of me sounded very similar to your own experience.
Couple of big dumps of snow after that, kids outside looked like they
were having fun. Partner arrives home looking like a snowman, much
Was the wind meant to drop so low though? Its gone very,very quiet
here again, much like the storm on tuesday night.
Great site too, eying up possible locations for a station here, only
one I know of in Edinburgh is