**Forecast** Altantic, zonal weather at T+240.
"You appear to have missed commenting on my previous 3/4 correct forecasts David:"
"I like the fact that every time I forecast, There is something for you to talk about."
You contradict yourself, again. Either I am responding to every forecast you issue, or I'm not. Make your mind up. (Incidentally, your first comment is the correct one).
I asked you a very simple question and you have still been unable to answer it.
What period does your forecast cover? The reason why I'm asking is because you state it's for 240 hours ahead, yet you refer to day and days in your "forecast". Is it for one day, or two, or even three. Or is it just for that 240 slot?
Incidentally, without being picky, anyone attempting to analyse your claim (has anyone?) would find difficulty as the defined period is unclear. Bit like dear old Piers really.