On Tuesday, 25 February 2014 23:58:58 UTC, Stephen Davenport wrote:
On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 7:23:48 PM UTC, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
In a crap hole like Sydenham I'm amazed the residents can tell the difference.
Yes you're probably right Steven Sydenham is filled with benefit layabouts who just dump rubbish out of their cars into the street . I've had a couple of bust up.-especially one night with apparently and eastern European who was right by the bin attached to the lamppost and just threw it on the floor. I told him what I thought. Another time going into the co op a young gangsta type kid did the same and so I told him what I thought. Put me on edge though as he knew my car so I was expecting some possible damage when I came out. Wasn't any. No you are right over the decades the suburbs of London have literally become ****e holes.