And where did I mention the pattern retrogressing?
My apologies. Badly worded. The pattern is not conducive to
anticyclones retrogressing is what I meant.
I said that the models showed that the *anticyclone* would retrogress, which is exactly what has happened.
No, it hasn't.
The high pressure, which was centred to our east before the weekend
No it wasn't - it was directly over us.
pulled back through the weekend and early this week
No it didn't. The original high decayed from the north, allowing a
westerly flow to sink south over the UK. A new anticyclone moving from
west to east was in mid atlantic at the start of the week.
to sit where it currently is in the mid Atlantic
There isn't currently a high in mid Atlantic. There is a broad trough.
allowing the incursion of cooler, Atlantic air
This occurred when the westerly flow was sinking south over the UK at
the weekend.
and the change to a more progressive pattern, from a blocked pattern;
This occurred when the original block was eroded from the north by
strong cross-Atlantic westerlies - last weekend.
Castle Pulverbatch
221m AMSL for hourly reports