**Forecast: Retrogression leading to cooler than averagetemperatures on 20th March at T+240**
On Saturday, March 22, 2014 9:11:26 AM UTC, Freddie wrote:
On Sat, 22 Mar 2014 01:34:24 -0700 (PDT), Dawlish
th of the month, as it's furthest extent, then pulling back SW
(i.e. retrog=
ressing) to lie some distance to our SW by the end of the 16th.
But it didn't.
Please look at the charts Freddie. Two questions:
1. On the 11th was the high was centred to our east? You have maintained that this never happened but it clearly was. Surely you can see that?
2. Between the 12th and the 16th, did the high pull back to sit to our SW? Again, you've maintained that this never happened, but the charts clearly show that it did.
The original high decayed and lost identity, and a new
high formed to the south west. If you look at upper air charts for
the same period,
A link would be good. I'd like to see them.
snip (Again, assertions