**Forecast: Retrogression leading to cooler than averagetemperatures on 20th March at T+240**
That was three posts ago. Now leave the discussion to those who are actually taking part in it, please.
You just think you're so clever don't you? It's my decision as to whether I take part in a public discussion, not yours, so if I want to continue to reply that's my prerogative.
I think that I must somehow get up your nose, if I didn't, you just wouldn't reply to a post that I have every right to and turn a discussion into some sort of personal vendetta.
And if you continue to publicly post forecasts, then you must expect people to reply to them and whether that reply is positive, negative, critical or praiseworthy, is entirely down to the opinion of that individual, whether they are right, or wrong, in your opinion.
Don't try to tell me how to manage my responses, which are valid and only include comments about you through your provocative actions.
If you actually read some of my comments above, you could actually improve the standard of what you attempt by providing clarity to your posts. But you have the perception that what you say is clear, when it isn't.
But your actions previously point towards your behaviour continuing its antagonistic slant, which is genuinely rather sad.