**Forecast: Retrogression leading to cooler than averagetemperatures on 20th March at T+240**
On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 8:17:59 AM UTC, Freddie wrote:
pattern isn't conducive to retrogression.
Yes, that's your assertion. I could say the moon was made of green cheese,
but it wouldn't be true without me providing evidence.
As Will suggested, I would read up on Rossby waves to further your
There's the usual dismissive point and deliberately patronising
comment you tried to make before Freddie.
And it wouldn't teach anyone anything about the period of 16-19 March in the UK. It teaches you what the theory says *should* happen in general situations, but without upper air charts, how can anyone apply theory to practice?
It was made in neither a dismissive nor a patronising way - that's just
your interpretation of it. You say you are open to learning, so I was
guiding you to that further learning.
No reading will change that movement of the high
from our East to our SW between 16-19 March
- because that's exactly what happened, isn't
it (you have pointed this out yourself).
I have pointed out in my earlier commentary that there was one high
centre (e) in that time period (that formed around 49N18W around midday
on the 14th) and that wandered around a small area 47-49N 15-20W before
Nowhere in that
commentary did I suggest that the high over the UK (which actually had
moved east into the North sea and dispersed during the 13th) moved in a
southwesterly direction.
You keep talking about this, but you are providing no evidence that retrogression did not occur.
Freddie; I said that retrogression led to the introduction of cooler are with a W-NW flow; which is exactly what happened between 16-19 March and is exactly what your given co-ordinates for the movement of that high in that time show.
If you could provide a link you would.
I did provide a link - google "Rossby waves". You will be presented
with a plethora of resources that you can consume at your leisure.
Apologies for the slow reply to your post - I had spotted your earlier
reply (at 20:05 on Monday) and assumed you were lost for words. Hence I
didn't pick up on this post till this morning.
That is not the link to the upper air charts which you have said would support your assertion. I have investigated the dynamics of Rossby waves, promise you, after a silly mistake of mine a couple of years ago. That's because I am highly capable of learning and you learn better from your mistakes and when you are stuck than ever you do from a standpoint of MetO patronisation and hubris - from which my learning at the time came (that person does/does not post here now, take your pick, after being shown he was clearly wrong about a different matter but couldn't accept it due to those two failings.).
You are surely not saying that a "link" to google "Rossby waves" would tell us all about the retrogression on 16-19 March, which you have already shown us by saying that the high moved from our East to our SW, are you, Freddie?? It is clear that you have no link to upper air data to back your assertions and I can only conclude that you are trying either to do this from memory Freddie (like the high never making it to our east, which it most certainly did and now you accept), or you simply have no evidence for this, but you are finding it impossible to admit you may have made a mistake.
PS. No worries; we both have lives outside of usenet, which has been established. Yes; I was lost for words.
PPS Thank you for being civil. and generally ignoring the ephemera which these kind of discussions tend to attract. No-one else has even attempted to provide evidence that my statement is wrong. I am very willing to learn and would have and will still, accept admit that retrogression didn't occur, but I have seen no evidence to the contrary, short of assertion and that leaves me saying that my original summary that retrogression led to cooler air, in a W-NW airstream happened during that 10th-20th March forecast period.