Arctic Sea ice update from NSIDC
On Sunday, 6 April 2014 15:11:57 UTC+1, Dawlish wrote:
On Sunday, April 6, 2014 2:44:30 PM UTC+1, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Sunday, 6 April 2014 12:49:45 UTC+1, Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
On Sunday, 6 April 2014 12:43:51 UTC+1, Dawlish wrote:
Same as you have been told dozens of times. It's no-one'a fault but your own that you are *still* ignorant of the differences. shakes head
Maybe you should take the time as you make the sea ice posts , just exactly why record positive beyond standard deviation sea ice in the SH doesn't matter and is in fact a sign of global warming, or so I believe that's what you are saying.
I'm popping now out to get the shopping and expect your reply up and posted by the time I return.
No reply yet?
shakes head don't know why but I shakes head
What, you missed this?
"Same as you have been told dozens of times. It's no-one'a fault but your own that you are *still* ignorant of the differences."
You could cure your ignorance, but after so many times being told, it's clear you are incapable of doing so.
Still no reply.....are you 'avin' a graph?