Well I did, with the proviso that there was no consistency in the
charts. I should have specified the date as 10 days from 11.50pm on the
26th could be construed as the 5th, 6th or 7th April really depending.
Anyway I said "on the cool side with a northerly element, not very
windy, quite damp and not very sunny."
This would have been wrong for the 5th as it was still quite warm here
and under the influence of the fading HP. The 6th was indeed showery and
cloudy but not that cool. The 7th today has been damp with intermittent
rain, not sunny and much cooler, but not cool for the time of year. It
is stretching it to say there was a Northerly element but a cooler
westerly now. It's not been very windy for any of those days.
From what I remember of the predicted charts they are quite different
but not hopelessly so, but the pattern is brief and transient.
So all in all it may appear not that bad but as the evolution has been
quite different I would say any accuracies were down to luck, which is
what I believe anyway unless there is a good deal of consistency in the
output from the models. That is why I stick to a five day forecast on my
Dave, S.Essex