On Wednesday, 23 April 2014 08:55:04 UTC+1, Weatherlawyer wrote:
http://www.opc.ncep.noaa.gov/Loops/ shows there has been some contra-rotation
in the Lows approaching Alaska. The system split into three pressure centres
but disappeared rapidly, replaced in the Gulf of Alaska by an anticyclone..
The Bom OTOH shows no massive earthquake and it isn't tropically stormy
until late Friday/ Saturday.
However a dark mass from Australia does inject a small cyclone into
Antarctica directly along its Pacific seaboard later tomorrow.
This is followed by a jet from Africa arriving in the same region
a few days later. Late Friday/Saturday I think.
Apr 15 07:42 t Apr 22 07:52
Similar time = similar spell. (Only not necessarily in that order.)
A volcano and a run of US tornadoes has occurred or is about to. I just had the leg cramps to go with them. I don't think it is dietary, as I am on a ketotic diet -though I gave into a craving a few days back.
The tell-tale starts of with: Lassitude the first day, tightness and a bruised feeling in the muscles the next, then the attack of cramps. I also managed a touch of gout to go with it.
Anyone with an age related auto-immune disease said to be related to weather will have suffered some or all of the symptoms. The cure is to cut out all sugars and as much carbohydrates as is possible. Almost impossible in a sophisticated world, as the craving will ensure that you can't keep to such a diet.
Nothing showing on:
Which make this a forecast.
A dark mass from Australia does inject a small cyclone into Antarctica
directly along its Pacific seaboard.
It is coming from Tasmania according to BoM (which, at the time of writing is showing the charts from 06:00 Wednesday 23 April.
http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/char...Refresh+ View)
It hits Antarctica Thursday evening and begins to disburse noon Friday. (Note too, the epi-cyclone in the large system next to Cape Horn.)
This is followed by a jet from Africa arriving in the same region a few days
later. Late Friday/Saturday I think.
It goes dark this evening at 60 E. and travels rapidly along the 55 S. parallel, beginning to disburse and move south at 100E. on Friday (18:00.
This is the tornado spell or series or whatever.
The system becomes an elongated cyclone reaching Western Australia (nearly) at midnight Sunday; by which time the huge cyclone off Cape Horn will have blown through the Drake Passage. (Cyclosis peaks at 18:00 Thursday.)
Tropical storms will be set-up by Monday with the elongation stretching from the Australian Bight to Antarctica at 100 W. from midnight (t+140.) It's not well defined parallel stuff, although it stretches to the Cape of Good Hope by Tuesday the 29 April 2014. (It entrains too many cyclones.)
The most interesting feature is the rat-run along the Antarctic shoreline from 160 E. (t+72)to 160 W. (t+84) (midnight to 18:00 Saturday.) Don't blink as you will miss it. That's the volcanoes going POP! I believe.
That's the best I can do you for without looking a North Pacific forecasts (for which see the OPC or this is more colourful:
http://mkwc.ifa.hawaii.edu/requests/...5904.6510..tar Windows sufferers might prefer this:
Good luck everyone. I comment you all to god (unless you are atheist in which case you had better look for a bigger monkey.)