Frequent mainly slight rain showers since first light, the
latest moderate one falling between 0840Z and 0847Z.
Glimpses of the sun only.
Our rainfall for the month currently stands at over twice
that of a normal April.
SYNOP 27/0850Z (current ob)
03864 41357 71112 10094 20085 40001 52009 78088 878//
333 84706 85815 87640=
EG// 270850Z 11012KT 7000 -SHRA SCT006 BKN015
BKN040 09/09 Q1000 RESHRA YLO1=
wind... ESE, force 4.
visibility... 7km (fell to 4500m in moderate shower).
weather... slight rain shower (recent moderate shower).
clouds... 4/8 St 600ft, 5/8 Cu 1500ft, 7/8 Sc 4000ft.
dry bulb... +9.4C.
wet bulb... +8.9C.
dew point... +8.5C.
RH... 94%.
sea level pressure... 1000.1mb (rising slowly).
24 hour max temp... +14.2C.
24 hour min temp... +7.2C.
24 hour rainfall... 7.7mm
beaufort letters (0750-0850Z)... cpro,c,cpro,cpr,cpro.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl
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