Little change in the last three hours. The train of showers
keep coming with the odd moderate one, frequent enough
to justify the reporting of double '8' in the past weather of
the Synop. Brief bursts of sunshine, even while it's raining.
There's quite a chunk of blue sky appearing to our east at
present, reducing the overall cloud coverage to 6 oktas.
Our local brook is full and fast flowing once more and is
threatening to spill over into the woodland which already
possesses its own lagoons. A fellow dog walker in his
seventies remarked on how he's never known the ground
to be so saturated this late in the spring before.
SYNOP 27/0850Z
03864 41357 71112 10094 20085 40001 52009 78088 878//
333 84706 85815 87640=
SYNOP 27/1150Z (current ob)
03864 11465 61112 10114 20095 40016 52015 60061 72588
85861 333 81710 84817=
EG// 271150Z 11012KT 9999 FEW010 SCT017 11/10
Q1001 WHT=
wind... ESE, force 4.
visibility... 15km.
weather... cloudy (recent slight showers).
clouds... 1/8 St 1000ft, 4/8 Cu 1700ft, 3/8 Sc 4500ft
1/8 Ac cugen 9000ft, 2/8 Ci fib 25000ft.
dry bulb... +11.4C.
wet bulb... +10.4C.
dew point... +9.5C.
RH... 88%.
sea level pressure... 1001.6mb (rising slowly).
6 hour rainfall (0600-1200Z)... 6.0mm
beaufort letters (1050-1150Z)... c,cpro,c,cpro,c.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl
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