A wild and noisy night with a max gust of 60mph, WNW, at 23:45 and
62mph, WNW, at 01:15. Currently, blustery showers.
Temperature 8.1°C steady, from a max of 8.6°C at 07:00 and a min of
6.4°C at 05:45.
Wind now averaging 16mph, WNW, gusting to 35mph. Max gust
62mph, WNW, at 01:15.
Barometer 999.1mb steadyish.
Rainfall since midnight 2.0mm with a max rate of 3.2mm/hr at 05:45.
Total precipitation so far this month/year 259.2mm.
Alan White
Twenty-eight miles NW of Glasgow.
Overlooking Loch Goil and Loch Long in Argyll, Scotland.
Web cam at