Yesterday saw huge differences in weather over very short distances.
During the morning an intense shower formed over the Penwith peninsula, developing over the land as soon as the air hit the south coast.
This remained almost stationary from 11:00-13:00. During this period 25mm of rain fell over the moors (20mm at Trengwainton, just behind Penzance.)
At my station, 600m or so from the sea front, the stream in my garden steadily rose before any rain fell. Eventually I had a sharp 20 min burst which gave approx 7mm, the edge of the rain being near the harbour.
It was 'Pirate' Day in Penzance yesterday, and luckily only 1mm or so fell on the prom from this shower. We had hoped to get the record back from Hastings, and although there were 14,000 pirates, we were just 77 short. Without the adverse forecasts I'm sure we'd have done it. It was a great atmosphere.
Lovely sunny start this morning after a clear, still, cold night. Min 7.8C
Not a cloud in sight over the sea