Kew observatory
On Sunday, June 1, 2014 8:51:31 PM UTC+1, exmetman wrote:
Has anyone seen or know about any weather data from Kew observatory that closed in 1980? The temperature series dates back as far as I know to 1797 and the rainfall series even earlier than that. I would ask the UKMO to see if they could provide it but I know from experience that would be very costly. I know there was a book on the subject in the various Met Office libraries I worked at but surely this data should be available in electronic format nowadays?
Are you talking about daily or monthly data. For my own area records I tabulated a mixture of the Kew and Greenwich monthly data on an excel spreadsheet. I could send you just the Kew data if you are interested? The only daily records I have are the MetO rain gauge data for City of London Cemetary dating back to 1960.