Cheer up
"Scott W" wrote in message
On Sunday, June 15, 2014 11:11:21 AM UTC+1, ron button wrote:
Having read Philip Edens excellent piece in the Torygraph this morning
about the difficulty of forecasting persistent low cloud over (mostly
eastern) Britain, I confess to feeling extremely irritated by the cheerful
burblings of our weather masters,who have for the last few days been
saying how nice and summery this weekend was gonna be. As the High
migrated west on Friday it was obvious to even the most optimistic weather
watcher that a chilly northerly was about to set in with its attendant
cloud ,so all the poor unfortunates who had been trapped in inside jobs
through a steamy week would be very peed off as they huddled under their
barbecue canopies trying to pretend it was still summer. For some reason
the Met Office must feel responsible for issuing upbeat and cheerful
outlooks despite the opposite being likely ,as portrayed in the very
British habit of praising our 'brave' sports heroes of 'football 'cricket'
and rugby' who normally come second. Come on Met Office ,face facts ,we
are British and can take it !! RonB PS Of course, none of this applies to
Northerners and those in the south who hate the sun and break out into a
muck sweat when temperatures exceed 15C.! .
Wasn't too bad here in the end, Ron - a clearance mid afternoon led to long
sunny spells. Looked as if the gloom very gradually cleared earlier the
further west you were.
Heathrow 22.2C
Northolt 21.7C
St James Park 21.5C
Wanstead 21C
Gravesend 19.9C
Shoeburyness 18.8C
Langdon Bay 17.4C
I'm talking about today ,bleedin 'orrible, yes and it actually rained a bit
over Epping Forest area ,like a north Staffs summer really.....