And he
Last 5 days:-
12th Max 24.3C DP 16.3C Unbroken sunshine
13th Max 25.9C DP 18.1C Sunny intervals all day
14th Max 24.9C DP 17.4C Sunny intervals all day
15th Max 22.4C DP 16.9C Sunny intervals all day
16th Max 21.8C DP 14.9C Sunny intervals all day
The high(ish) DPs hint at why it's felt quite humid here and the nights
for the last few days have been warm too.
The garden plants have been lapping it up. Tomatoes have been outside
since the beginning of May and the first truss of fruits are now
ripening. The runners have reached the top of their 8' canes and are
flowering. Have been picking cucumbers for a couple of weeks. Chillies
have now started to fruit. Tropical!
Nick Gardner
Otter Valley, Devon
20 m amsl