On 17/06/2014 08:42, Bob Martin wrote:
in 399737 20140616 225047 Joe Egginton wrote:
"...The rate of climate change clearly has gone beyond linear, as
indicated by the presence of the myriad self-reinforcing feedback loops
described below, and now threatens our species with extinction in the
near term. As Australian biologist Frank Fenner said in June 2010:
"We're going to become extinct," the eminent scientist says. "Whatever
we do now is too late" ..."
M. Winther
According to SpringWatch if the bee were to become extinct today the human
race would follow within 20 years.
So if it's bad for the bee ...
Plenty of major crops are wind pollenated so I don't think so. And
various other insects and a few mammals will pollenate plants too.
It might bankrupt US fruit growers though. They tend to rely on shipping
bees around to improve crop yield and their various bad practices have
spread aggressive Africanised bees and parasites around pretty badly. A
nice dystopian view of the future implied colony collapse is included in
R4's Dangerous Visions Scifi series.
Their version of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is riveting.
The episode was on Monday "The Bee Maker" catch it while you can.
Martin Brown