George Booth wrote:
On 18/06/2014 18:50, Norman wrote:
Ken Cook wrote:
Hi, All,
23.2C here today, warmest of 2014 so far and highest since 24.0C on 1st
August last year. Lovely (:0)
Copley, Teesdale
24.8 here today, Ken. Also the highest since 1st Aug last year when we
28.9. Anything with a '2' in front of it is much too warm for me :-( I'm
definitely a 'teens' man :-)
26.0C here
Been a struggle here this week. After a cloudy start to the week the
last two days have been quite sunny. Temperatures have struggled up to
just past 21C but there is a bite to the North Easterly brisk breeze so
common here in June while the sea is still cold.
Dave, S.Essex