buying a new weather station?
In message , John Dann
On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 12:35:55 -0000, "Alan Gardiner"
With the Davis equipment I was led to believe that the stik reed switch was
a particular problem with early vantage Pro stations. From what I have seen
recently it seems to have been a problem with other models. More recent
stations may be better but I don't know if this is the case.
Just as a general comment on the reed switches in Davis anemometers
and stressing that this is my personal take on the issue and in no way
based on direct official information from Davis:
I doubt whether reed switches were ever designed for this kind of
intensive operation. IMHO the manufacturers would have been better
advised to have gone for photo-electronic or hall effect devices - all
solid state and no moving parts - except the turning of the cups etc. I
once constructed an anemometer using the photo-transistor route and it
never failed.
James Brown