Glory To The Heavens Be
Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
Fantastic here in Sydenham as the storms are now on Bromley and Croydon's doorstep. Looking at 'Will it Rain Today' radar the storm could just be to the east of Croydon but its billowing and changing shape. Got me walk in quickly with heavy drops and lightning and rumbles to my SE . Spectacular sky with bright sunlight to the north quickly being swallowed as everything moved up from the south; but that stillness and juxtaposition of angry grey/black and golden/red sky was a sight to cherish.
As I walked round a passed someone I'd seen but had never spoken to "Lovely Light" I said "I've been watching this on the radar" sounding totally like a nerd. I then passed a total stranger "lovely light" I said again and then I approached a third stranger and before I said anything he said "Lovely light". I was taken aback and told him I was going to say that . He said I know you've told half of bleedin' Sydenham so far and idle chatter travels fast around here.
Two fabulous storms last night. This one is kicking off now but seems
more heavy rain and less thunder and lightning - so far.