To attempt to predict whether or not thunderstorms will occur at a specific
point 24 hours ahead is a mug's game. The science isn't that good. I can't say
that I'm surprised that the weather evolved rather differently to what was
Norman Lynagh
Tideswell, Derbyshire
303m a.s.l.
Or even 3 hours ahead it would seem. At approx 14:00 yesterday the forecast was amended from sunny spells to show showers and then a thunderstorm at 17:00, probably based on the fact there were signs of showers developing off Brittany. (At the same time the the maximum temperature forecast was reduced from 20C to 19C, around the time it was 22C at Camborne and 21C at Culdrose & Penzance.)
Not a drop, an afternoon of sunny periods. In fact still no measurable rain since Thursday evening, despite many, many hours during the intervening period when there was an 50% or greater chance of rain.
Yesterdays Max 21.3C
Last night a fresher 15.2C
09:00 today 19.1C & mainly sunny. In fact it's a glorious moring