Hello Hugh. I'm afraid that your instrument is telling porkies. Make sure
all your connections are sound, and the battery, if it uses one, is good. If
you use a radio link, check the receiver unit too. RH below 20% is quite
rare. My lowest value in the past 17 years is 13% in May 2013. The average
lowest per month ranges from 53% in December to 26% in April.
Bernard Burton
Wokingham Berkshire.
Weather data and satellite images at:
"Hugh Newbury" wrote in message
Early this morning (0450) the humidity recorded by my AWS was 3%, the
DP -29.6.
I suppose everyone's figures were similar? So what caused this surely
exceptionally low figure? Simply the Spanish or Saharan plume?
Hugh Newbury
Hello Hugh. I'm afraid that your instrument is telling porkies. Make sure
all your connections are sound, and the battery, if it uses one, is good. If
you use a radio link, check the receiver unit too. RH below 20% is quite
rare. My lowest value in the past 17 years is 13% in May 2013. The average
lowest per month ranges from 53% in December to 26% in April.
Bernard Burton
Wokingham Berkshire.
Weather data and satellite images at: