"Adrian D. Shaw" wrote in message
Felly sgrifennodd Robin Leadbeater :
"Adrian D. Shaw" wrote in message
Aurura alerts seem only to be based on whether there is an ongoing
storm; By the time I see it, it's often too late. Why does someone not
an alert two days beforehand when there is such a flare?
Sign up for alerts here
My Aurorawatch email (to which I am already signed up) arrived in the last
5 minutes. I may have missed the best of it by now (it's cloudy
Aurorawatch only alerts when a storm is taking place.
I assume that I need to sign up to the flare alert. But the last archived
message to that list was on 15th January, so it wasn't a very good
The AstroAlert attempts to predict arival times and probablity of Aurorae
but admitedly was late with this one (Alert arrived 19:29 this evening
predicting Aurora for tonight and/or tomorrow)