Paul Garvey (aka Dawlish) stayed at the COUNTY hotel in Woodford!!!!!!
On Wednesday, 6 August 2014 11:36:43 UTC+1, Dawlish wrote:
On Wednesday, August 6, 2014 11:23:49 AM UTC+1, Jim Cannon wrote:
Stalkers are all over the Internet. They are all a worry and some could be/are dangerous. Maybe this one is; I don't know. It's mazing that they spend time looking for what I do, but there you go. I get to these people something awful; I know that. However, what this post is doing in a weather newsgroup, only a nutter would know. If he ever crosses a line and posts personal details, the law is there to protect and I wouldn't hesitate to use it..
I've written many reviews on Tripadvisor. Please read them, if you wish. I hope they are useful to other people and I find their views extremely useful. I certainly wouldn't stay in this hotel again!
It's sunny and fairly breezy outside; a nice day. That's probably more useful here, but this one would have no idea of what I am talking about. *))
No one is interested in what you do because they like you you muppet.