Rain in Channel heading North
In message , Dave Ludlow
This significant rain band was not in last night's forecast at all. The
problem being that the main BBC TV national and local forecasts after
the 10pm news stopped at 4pm Friday and completely ignored this evening
and tonight (leaving us to assume that it would be fine and dry like
the rest of the day). They skipped to Saturday daytime and Sunday, so
even if they'd expected this evening's drenching, you'd never have
known it from the forecast.
Little wonder the BBC/Met Office forecasters regularly come in for
stick when they get such basics wrong.
I suspect it's the fault of the limited time that they were allocated.
With Bertha looming, I can understand their thinking that it was more
important to cover the weekend, for which people would probably want to
be able to decide in advance whether outdoor events should proceed or be
called off.
John Hall Weep not for little Leonie
Abducted by a French Marquis!
Though loss of honour was a wrench
Just think how it's improved her French. Harry Graham (1874-1936)