[WR] Otter Valley, Devon - Unusually 'calm' weather
On 08/08/2014 19:47, Nick Gardner wrote:
The last couple of days have made me think on several occasions that
there must be something wrong with the anemometer as it has for long
periods registered 0 mph. I would go outside and check to see if the
cups are whizzing round but no, totally stationary.
From 23:45 on the 6th to 09:00 on the 7th the anemometer registered no
wind. And again today from 22:15 on the 7th to 11:00 there was no
measurable wind.
Normally there is a land breeze at night that blows at 2 to 5 mph all
night until it stalls just after dawn and the sea breeze kicks in from
Here I am so sheltered that a lot of nights register as almost windless.
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham