Hi there Gang,
good view of auroral display from Huddersfield last night.
Started off at around 9.45pm with a curtain of greenish glow
rising up from the northern horizon (above the sky glow
from Huddersfield).
Over a period of about 30+minutes it developed (at least) two light
pillars and was topped off by a rim of pink/orange glow.
I only had the opportunity to take some crude photo's using a Nikon CoolPix
The best of the bunch is on my Society's webpage -
and I've posted an image to the QCUIAG website as well.
You can just make out a 'green' pillar of light - NB exposure was only ~4
seconds -
the limit of the camera.
"Dave Liquorice" wrote in message
On 21 Jan 2005 21:08:18 -0000, Adrian D. Shaw wrote:
Aurura alerts seem only to be based on whether there is an ongoing
geomagnetic storm; By the time I see it, it's often too late. Why
does someone not issue an alert two days beforehand when there is
such a flare?
Geomagnetic activity is the only really reliable indicator. Fairly
often there will be a flare but no aurora even with earth directed
flare. I look at http://www.spaceweather.com at least once a day, that
announces flares and the chances of aurora activity. Gives me a 24 to
48hrs notice.
They do an alert service but I thought that was a geomagnetic based
one. I assume you are already aware of the York Magnetometer alert
service and ADEC from http://www.aurorachasers.com
Dave. pam is missing e-mail