On Tuesday, 12 August 2014 12:41:36 UTC+1, Dave Cornwell wrote:
zaax wrote:
What is remarkable about it? Last year we had a cold spring followed by a long hot summer; the year before the summer was a wash out. This isle sits on the gulf stream that bring us different weather everyday which is why we talk alot about it.
So which other summer did I have two consecutive months likely to have
over a 100mm each in the driest region of the UK? In the same summer
period 30 consecutive days of temperatures over 22C with several in the
30's? The same summer period with at least 6 separate thunderstorms? The
same summer with extremely high sunshine hours?
Sorry but we may have had these but not in the same two month summer
period in my recollection. Remarkable enough here.
Dave, South Essex.
I thought last summer was marvellous but the mean temp of this summer is currently running about 0.5C higher!
Considering the period from June 1st to August 11th gave the following:
Days above 25C: 35 (29 in 2013)
Days with thunder: 7 (8 in 2013) The storms this year, however, have been far more spectacular and widespread - though, on a local scale, nothing has matched the thunderstorm on July 23rd last year.
The various thunderstorms have reminded me of the ones of my youth - just when I thought I'd never see them again -
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