On Sunday, 17 August 2014 10:52:37 UTC+1, Weatherlawyer wrote:
18:00 22 August 2014 (t+150)
http://www.bom.gov.au/australia/char...Refresh+ View
Three deep black Cs approaching Antarctica two of them ominous, a lot of tropical stuff in the mix up to then. I have no idea what happens next except to say that it will be interesting, whatever that means.
Butterfled by the look of it today.
The NAEFS (http://weather.gc.ca/ensemble/naefs/cartes_e.html) begins a period where three Highs dominate. And of course with my head for weather charts I have completely forgotten the implications. Volcanism?
If black were the new red I'd say the BoM was livid with straight line storms so I am going for the safe one and say that it also shows an abundance of tropical storms precede whatever so maybe they are Atlantic signals that intend to make life miserable in the House.
No carbon dioxide was hurt in any of these graphics.
The decay of a tropical storm brings either a quake f such magnitude that all smaller quakes are blanked on every seismometer in the world or we get swarms.
The number of swarms is effaced by the magnitude of one of them in the recent case the only swarm to appear on the front page of SED was the Iranian set.
We can't tell for sure what other swarms were taking place but we can see that certain regions in the blind spot have had minor local stuff. Notably in this spell there was or is an ongoing swarm at a volcano in Iceland.
They are not on the front page of SED because they don't register quakes of less that 4 Mag. But the fingerprint on every register in the world will be slightly different because of these minor swarms. Who knows that larger quakes have not been missed in the process?
The Iranian earthquakes :
August 2014
Day Time Lat Long MagT Region
19 08:25:59 -5.62 150.59 4.9 Mb NEW BRITAIN REGION, P.N.G
19 06:13:41 -55.37 -28.04 4.6 M South Sandwich Islands Re
19 06:10:50 -4.60 150.32 4.6 M New Britain Region, P.N.G
19 06:06:26 6.67 -73.00 4.6 Mb NORTHERN COLOMBIA
19 04:11:21 55.00 110.30 4.3 Mb Lake Baykal region, Rus
19 01:11:06 53.13 -169.47 4.7 M Fox Islands, Aleutian Isl
19 00:53:17 2.93 128.12 4.7 M Halmahera, Indonesia
19 00:28:54 32.79 47.44 4.1 ML IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 22:24:02 32.39 47.74 4.1 ML IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 21:44:32 32.58 47.60 4.8 ML IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 21:07:03 51.80 178.40 4.5 Mb RAT ISLANDS, ALEUTIAN ISL
18 19:38:18 32.89 47.77 4.2 ML IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 18:54:58 32.74 47.66 4.4 ML IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 18:36:18 32.50 47.72 4.1 ML IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 18:08:23 32.50 47.79 5.8 Mw IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 17:40:29 32.64 47.68 4.5 ML IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 15:53:20 5.71 123.99 4.6 Mb CELEBES SEA
18 15:40:43 -55.37 -27.96 5.1 Mb SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS RE
18 15:10:49 -32.06 -69.71 4.3 ML SAN JUAN, ARGENTINA
18 13:58:33 44.60 148.70 4.0 Mb Kuril Islands
18 11:51:34 32.62 47.54 5.7 Mb IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 11:23:07 32.59 47.59 4.9 Mb IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 11:06:53 32.62 47.56 4.5 ML IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 08:05:30 32.95 47.56 4.9 ML IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 06:59:00 32.70 47.79 4.3 ML IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 06:49:22 -26.02 -71.82 4.2 ML OFF COAST OF ATACAMA, CHI
18 05:25:51 32.61 47.84 5.8 Mb IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 05:25:48 31.90 47.50 6.1 Mb Iran-Iraq border region
18 04:39:40 32.87 47.67 4.6 Mb IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 04:20:47 32.86 47.57 4.7 Mb IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 03:11:31 32.70 47.55 4.2 ML IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 02:59:24 32.06 47.55 4.7 Mb IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 02:53:11 32.78 47.58 4.4 ML IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 02:32:05 32.63 47.68 6.0 Mb IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
18 00:56:52 0.31 100.01 4.6 Mb NORTHERN SUMATRA, INDONES
17 20:36:05 -42.11 88.62 4.7 M Southeast Indian Ridge
17 20:15:16 -9.60 112.47 4.6 Mb SOUTH OF JAVA, INDONESIA
17 19:24:02 39.70 143.40 4.5 Mb Off east coast of Honsh
17 18:30:25 -20.22 -70.40 4.2 ML OFFSHORE TARAPACA, CHILE
17 18:15:54 36.93 142.38 4.9 Mb OFF EAST COAST OF HONSHU,
17 16:04:54 -20.80 68.55 5.2 Mb MID-INDIAN RIDGE
17 14:47:25 32.75 47.71 4.9 ML IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
17 11:24:16 32.73 47.63 4.7 Mb IRAN-IRAQ BORDER REGION
The duration was Just over 24 hours (11:24 on the 17th to 00:28 on the 19th August 2014.)