The row of anticyclones across N America on the NA EFS starts today and continues tomorrow. Too long to be an earthquake not long enough for an eruption of much note. It is still hanging in there on the 26th:
The moon is now in the same declination of Uranus and it is still cold. Not VEI eruption cold though. We need snow for that:
It doesn't really break free until it is some 4 degrees south on the 25th
The High in the North Atlantic declines (with a different meaning to the astronomical one -but bear in mind the original meaning of the word meteorology) in accord with all the above.
Compare the version found on OPC:
to that found on MetO&Climategate:
I can't help thinking that any volcanic stuff will have to wait until the next phase at 12 o'clockish but is in that phase right no:
Aug 17 12:26 12 o'clock till the 24th
Aug 25 14:13 But this one is closely related (tornadic)
Sep 2 11:11 Then we are back to anticyclonic
My reasoning is that the Anticyclone in the North Atlantic at present breaks towards Spain not up into the Arctic. Also there don't appear to be enough of those transverse thunder (black) fronts on the British charts.
BoM looks menacing today and tomorrow Friday noon (22 August 2014) particularly but it's been doing that a lot lately I think it breaks around Saturday but comes back doubled on Monday: View
OK I will put the ephemeris up on my blog when I sort out the stupid mistake I made collecting them. You are as usual, on your own as ever.