On Saturday, 23 August 2014 01:15:21 UTC+1, Weatherlawyer wrote:
I reconsidered all I had seen take place under the sun; that the swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, nor do the wise also have the food, nor do the understanding ones also have the riches, nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because **** happens.
Ecclesiastes 9:11
I never say what was under my nose before the eruptions took place at Urbinas and Fuego. Some on here have been posting about the chill locally and one or two about ice in our nether regions.
When the lunar nodes bring the extent of the declination of the moon to less than the solar tropic limits, then there is an up-tick in volcanism world wide. I am almost sure of it. Such behaviour is concomitant with generally cool weather because the sea ice in the southern hemisphere is part of that cycle.
Increasing sea ice means the ITCZ moves further north than usual and the resulting increase in tropical storms is a response to greater regional flooding.
Obviously if a lot more rain falls in the tropics, a lot more storms can form there as it tends to "pool" over denser brine and along with that phenomenon another one causes spectacular changes in heat absorption as the shape of the sea surface lens is affected.
When rainfalls increase in higher latitudes drained acquifers are refreshed and the topsoil is lubricated. Ordinarily things go unnoticed as is still the case in Cuba. But where the capitalist bean-counter holds all the aces in the games they play with farmers, then massive and pointless deforestation occurs and local economies are overburdened.
Floods and landslides occur and eventually when there is sufficient pressure in the deeps... **** happens, all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky are opened. Until God sends wind to pass over the earth, and the water subsides and the fountains of the deep and the floodgates of the sky are closed again, until the next time.
And sure enough the sons of men have forgotten this creator and so continue murdering one another even those of us still in the womb unassuaged nevertheless it shall still occur when he brings a cloud over the earth, that the bow will be seen in the cloud, he keeps the contract between every living creature; and never shall the water become a flood to destroy all flesh.
We get a dose of Ebola or something else instead.
You have been warned. Never neglect to tell your loved ones tht you love them in case you don't get to see them again:
Have fun.