Stormy up north.
On Thursday, August 28, 2014 6:55:20 PM UTC+1, jumper wrote:
On 28/08/2014 11:24, Dawlish wrote:
On Wednesday, August 27, 2014 11:22:26 AM UTC+1, Nick wrote:
On Tuesday, 26 August 2014 23:20:39 UTC+1, jumper wrote:
Dear Editor
It�s shocking what has happened in Rotherham, and probably other cities
and towns across the country. For the sake of community harmony and the
police / social services not to be seen as racist, 1400 children are
sexually abused. The middle class liberals should hold their head in
I haven't replied to any of these threads yet, but I am not standing for your offensive, ultra-right-wing comments on "middle class liberals". Are you really so moronically stupid to think that all "middle class liberals" will sweep child sex abuse under the carpet?
Please direct your rants at a forum for the far right where I am sure you will find lots in sympathy. It has no place here - particularly in a weather newsgroup.
He won't. eggington ('jumper' is a contrived account to make it look as if there are more right-wing butters on the newsgroup that there are) will carry on splashing his xenophobic filth across the newsgroup and hoping for support. (no-one with an ounce of morality would).
Far right wing nutters post this kind of crap on newsgroups simply to offend - at any cost.
Get rid of it!
Idiot. Xenophobic and very probably racist nutter, at that.