Future of this group?
On Sunday, 14 September 2014 23:42:59 UTC+1, David Mitchell wrote:
After this weeks vote should the Scots decide in favour of independence, will our friends North of the border still be welcome to post on here without the OT prefix? It's really a fact now that it seems that the majority of posts are technically off topic. It's about time the AGW brigade set up their own newsgroup, as most of what's posted is hardly UK related IMHO. I vote Scots in AGW out. DM. Yorkshire Wolds.
I agree entirely with all your points. There is far too much on this site about AGW and it seems to be the motivating factor in too many contributors whether orthodox or sceptic and it leads to ill-tempered exchanges that rarely illuminate. Everyone has an agenda and this distorts any interpretation of current synoptic conditions and the weather they may produce. Apart from those worthies who post their observations there appear to be precious few members here who are all that interested in the weather as it actually happens. I get the feeling that such people regard UK weather as nothing more than a parochial affair among the Great Issues of Climate, which are, of course, much easier to waffle and bluster about than trying to work out why it's raining, or not raining, at this moment. This explains why if you mention you're interested in the weather to someone you don't know (or do know) they often immediately go on about GW, whether loony-sceptic or tiresomely-earnest True Believer, because GW is a subject about which you need to know bugger all to sound off, it being in many cases a religion, whereas the weather requires a commitment not only to observing it intelligently and maybe recording it but to understand it also.
As for the Scots, they are as welcome as they always have been. We have had contributors from many other countries in the past but fewer recently, probably discouraged by the flame wars.
If anybody here feels they are being got at they're probably right.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey