Future of this group?
On Monday, September 15, 2014 9:36:39 AM UTC+1, David Mitchell wrote:
On Monday, September 15, 2014 1:31:32 AM UTC+1, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Sunday, 14 September 2014 23:42:59 UTC+1, David Mitchell wrote:
After this weeks vote should the Scots decide in favour of independence, will our friends North of the border still be welcome to post on here without the OT prefix?
It's really a fact now that it seems that the majority of posts are technically off topic. It's about time the AGW brigade set up their own newsgroup, as most of what's posted is hardly UK related IMHO.
I vote Scots in AGW out.
DM. Yorkshire Wolds.
Just exactly are you alienating here?
Our friends who are not true members of this newsgroup or some fictional characters that no longer think of Yorkshire as over the border?
How far is Yorkshire from over the border anyway?
And what exactly is or are Scots in AGW out?
It's quite simple really, a tongue in cheek response to this weeks referendum, but I would very much miss our contributions from North of the border, but not the incessant rambling and bickering about AGW, which doesn't really belong here. Not trying to alienate anyone.
I've no idea why you're bringing Yorkshire into the equation.
Killfiling does seem the way to go, but ultimately it's a bit of a three monkeys response.
Anyone recommend a newsgroup reader?