1. "Large Multidecadal Salinity Trends near the Pacific–Antarctic Continental Margin"
Stanley S. Jacobs and Claudia F. Giulivi
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, Palisades, New York.
"Ocean temperature and salinity measurements on and near the Antarctic continental shelf in the southwest Pacific sector are evaluated for evidence of temporal change.
Shelf water in the southwest Ross Sea has declined in salinity by 0.03 decade−1 from 1958 to 2008, while its temperatures have increased in
proportion to the influence of salinity on the sea surface freezing point.
Modified deep-water intrusions that reach the central Ross Ice Shelf have freshened at a similar rate and cooled by ∼0.5°C since the late 1970s. Salinity has decreased by 0.08 decade−1 in the westward coastal and slope front currents, consistent with increased melting of continental ice upstream in the Amundsen Sea."
Further reading:
2. "Rapid sea-level rise along the Antarctic margins in response to increased glacial discharge".
Craig D. Rye, Alberto C. Naveira Garabato, Paul R. Holland, Michael P. Meredith, A. J. George Nurser, Chris W. Hughes, Andrew C. Coward & David J. Webb.
"The Antarctic shelf seas are [...] at present receiving increasing amounts of freshwater from the melting of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and its fringing ice shelves, primarily around the Antarctic Peninsula and the Amundsen Sea.. In response, the surface ocean salinity in this region has declined in past decades".
A few citations:
Shepherd, A. et al. A reconciled estimate of ice-sheet mass balance. Science 338, 1183–1189 (2012).
Shepherd, A., Wingham, D. & Rignot, E. Warm ocean is eroding West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Geophys. Res. Lett. 31, L23402 (2004).
Jacobs, S. S., Giulivi, C. F. & Mele, P. A. Freshening of the Ross Sea during the late 20th century. Science 297, 386–389 (2002).
Aoki, S., Rintoul, S. R., Ushio, S., Watanabe, S. & Bindoff, N. L. Freshening of the Adélie Land bottom water near 140° E. Geophys. Res. Lett. 32, L23601 (2005).
Johnson, G. C., Purkey, S. G. & Bullister, J. L. Warming and freshening in the abyssal Southeastern Indian Ocean*. J. Clim. 21, 5351–5363 (2008).
I'd have thought that you'd have stepped away from trying sensibly to discuss anything to do with Earth sciences after your lamentable efforts on a previous thread.
But just for a laugh, what "other source" do you think there is for fresh water in the Antarctic-Pacific margin?