"Dave Cornwell" wrote in message
David Mitchell wrote:
About £39/49/59 for the Three models, the cheapest looks a reasonable
Christmas list?
I have a wind speed app already on my phone. Cost £1-50. It works by
analysing the spectrum of sounds as it blows over the microphone. Filters
out other noise so very clever. It is really very good and will give an
accurate beaufort force. WSM wind speed monitor for i and android.
For temperature I wave my hands around (accurate to 1 degree) :-)
The phone has a temperature sensor but takes a long while to react to being
out of my pocket. I also have ViewRanger gps which will give altitude and
therefore pressure. Humidity is measured by how much I am sweating allowing
for terrain and slope (accurate to 10%) :-)
Will Hand (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)