For those who are otherwise brain dead, select 12 GMT + 168h ( Saturday 29th
Jan 2005 ).
I didn't think I needed to spell it out on a science news group!
Shaun Pudwell.
"Pete B" wrote in message
"Shaun Pudwell" wrote in message
Just look at this chart. Our current high and the big Russian high
to be merging by next weekend. If this is to happen then I would have
say big time snow. It's all on a knife edge at the moment though.
See Link:
Shaun Pudwell.
I couldn't help noticing the day/date. The forecast chart is not exactly
same but not far off that for Sat 29th Jan 1972, 33 years ago:
The day before was even closer:
For some reason, the intense cold of that Saturday in Macclesfield,
(max temp ~ -3) stuck in my mind ever since. Although I was only a
at the time, the strong NE wind, continual but light snow showers (which
not melt but the slight deposit from each one just blew around for the
of the day) interspersed with sunshine became a 'baseline' in my own
records, possibly because I had a 'schoolboy' Saturday job then that
involved outside work. Until Dec 31 1978, nothing so cold had been had
in that locality and only a handful of days since in winters such as the
rest of 1979, 1981/82, 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1995/6 (and Dec 2000 on a
to E Kilbride area of Scotland) have produced anything quite the same in
area I have lived.
For the record, that 1972 cold spell went on for another 2 days followed
an all day snowfall in Macclesfield on Tues 1 Feb 1972 which unfortunately
heralded the onset of milder weather the following day and the cold spell
was then over.
So 9 years on from the last time in 1995/6, here's just hoping ;-)
Please take my dog out twice to e-mail
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