Heads Up for anyone still using Demon's news service
In message , John Hall
I've tried all the other email and news programmes but can't seem to
wean myself off Turnpike. Anybody else still clinging to Turnpike ?
Indeed. I'm using it under the 32-bit version of Windows 7 (it won't
run under 64-bit versions of Windows). I'm not sure whether your v6.05
would work, though. I think you may need the final version, which is
6.07. If anyone is interested in running TP under 32-bit Windows 7 or 8
(or, as you are doing, running it on a VM under a 64-bit version of
Windows), you can ask for advice on demon.ip.support.turnpike, which is
still going strong. (And the demise of Demon's own news server -
actually it was outsourced to an outfit called Highwinds in recent
years - shouldn't affect that.)
Hi John
Thanks for responding, I didn't realise Demon turnpike support newsgroup
was still going. Any idea from where I can download Turnpike 6.07 please
I'm determined to cling onto TP, no matter what !! Perhaps I should go
back to Win 95.