Heads Up for anyone still using Demon's news service
In message , Martin Brown
Which feature(s) of Turnpike do you rely on. I have found that Mozilla
Thunderbird can be made to work close enough to TP to be OK for me.
The only thing I really miss are full regex matching for routing and
killfiles. On the plus side you can test new rules easily in TB but you
have to work within the limitations of what it provides.
There was a thread in d.service or s.ip.turnpike that described which
addons to use to get a close approximation to TP behaviour.
Hi Martin
Thanks for responding. I particularly like the routing and killfiles
that you mention. Also it's seamless threading of posts, messages and
it's handling of email lists. Plus it's rather plain interface is
appealing too.
I've tried Thunderbird thanks and appreciate it can be made to work
quite similarly to Turnpike. I've also got Agent which is a very
comprehensive news and mail programme, it too can be made to approximate