In message , Jim Kewley
In message , John Hall
I've tried all the other email and news programmes but can't seem to
wean myself off Turnpike. Anybody else still clinging to Turnpike ?
Indeed. I'm using it under the 32-bit version of Windows 7 (it won't
run under 64-bit versions of Windows). I'm not sure whether your v6.05
would work, though. I think you may need the final version, which is
6.07. If anyone is interested in running TP under 32-bit Windows 7 or
8 (or, as you are doing, running it on a VM under a 64-bit version of
Windows), you can ask for advice on, which
is still going strong. (And the demise of Demon's own news server -
actually it was outsourced to an outfit called Highwinds in recent
years - shouldn't affect that.)
Hi John
Thanks for responding, I didn't realise Demon turnpike support
newsgroup was still going. Any idea from where I can download Turnpike
6.07 please ?
Make sure that you install over your existing TP folders (having first
backed them up, just in case), so as not to lose any information. To run
the Turnpike installer you must be logged in with administrator
privileges. If you have any problems, ask on
I'm determined to cling onto TP, no matter what !! Perhaps I should go
back to Win 95.

John Hall "Never play cards with a man called Doc.
Never eat at a place called Mom's.
Never sleep with a woman whose troubles
are worse than your own." Nelson Algren