Er, Ron, read the name again, I think you've insulted them! :-)
"Ron Button" wrote in message
Hello Justin,always nice to have another Essex lad aboard.
Thats an amazing amount of detail you have on your site ,almost too much
!,but excellent to see ,one comment if I may ,your wind direction seems
somewhat at variance with this part of the world ,Here in South Essex its
stuck around 340 degrees,ie NNW at the moment ,and that has been a common
feature over the last few winters ,so is it possible that you are affected
by a local feature causing the Easterly bias ?. Hope you don't mind me
asking ...?
"Justine Coxell" wrote in message
Bear with me this is my first weather report posted here, apologies if
not up to scratch. We have intermitant snow showers here at the moment,
not much settling as its melting between showers.
You can see my statistics here...